Clear as glass, honest to goodness.

Being placed on the coffee table in the glasshouse, the Hydrangea was withering under the scorching sun. She was dehydrated which her petals started to dim and wrinkle. She had no choice but to bow down and swallow her pride. She remained mute rather than calling for help.

Not until water showed up could the Hydrangea be replenished with essential nutrients. Embracing her fragility wholeheartedly, the water breathed a soul free from impurity into the flower. The Hydrangea was at its best when it became an instrument. She was meant to display the qualities of water entirely.

We are indeed instruments filled with all sorts of emotions. In the first place, our bodies appeared exactly what was felt in us. As time goes by, we have been masking ourselves with various filters including labels, shackles, burdens and desires. The authenticity of the instrument faded away gradually. We could no longer see our true selves and listen to our inner voices.

Life is full of scenarios likely with model answers. We have been trying to live up to the world's expectations, yet disappointment is what we got. The world is far more absurd than we could imagine. While things are not under control, why don't we simply follow our hearts and frankly express our thoughts? Never let the world hinder us from revealing our feelings. It is not a walk in the park to be honest with ourselves. Nevertheless, we should do so as life only comes around once. Be keen to hear the voice deep down in our souls. Stay true to ourselves would we not regret any single moment.

The Hydrangea is tough and fragile at the same time. The heart of a fair lady exactly shares such contradictory and complex nature Pamycarie presents the refreshing summer collection featuring the Hydrangea. The bloomy flowers in the garden and woods cools people off with a touch of blue. As miraculous as it is, the Hydrangea is a mirror of the soil and water. Its colours vary depending on the acidity of the soil. Water is also crucial to all species, not to mention the Hydrangea. The flower soon withers once it is away from water. Still, if it is hydrated promptly, it rejuvenates and shows its true colours.

The Hydrangea owns the exquisite beauty of its dreamy gradient colours. The production team studied the form and characteristics of the Hydrangea thoroughly. Displaying the rawest gradient, the artisans adopted the mixed-colour resin clay despite the time-consuming procedure. Filigree along with the embellished hand-painted globule highlight the filminess of the designs. The soil is indispensable to the flowers, which genuinely showcase the attributes of it.

Embody ourselves with pure authenticity.